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Hex Rx - Black Center

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Hex Rx - Black Center  Empty Hex Rx - Black Center

Mensaje  digitalbreath Jue Mayo 10, 2012 10:46 am

Un grupo que nunca me cansare de recomendar...

Do you want to die
I’ll take your life
Do you want to die
Tell me the truth
Do you like to lie
I’ll take my time
Do you like to lie
Tell me the truth
Do you want to cry
Tired of your life
Do you like to cry
Tell me the truth
Do you want to fuck me
now not never
Do you want to fuck
Tell me the truth

I’m tired I don’t wanna know you
Play your games running me through
Fuck around again I see you
Playing five people at the same time fuck you
I tell you I don’t like you
You think it’s neutral I hate you
I hear the words you’re talking
Walking around with your ripped stalkings
Little miss my role model
She’s drunk what a slut she’s a brothel
She thinks she’s smarter than me
But not from what I’ve seen
What is with with this slut
Can’t she keep her fucking legs shut


Cantidad de envíos : 398
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2009

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